
Personal Knowledge Management Coaching

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Personal Knowledge Management Coaching

Get support in building your Personal Knowledge Management system or get clarity of mind by having me build idea notes with you.

This service is not indicated for those who:

  • want support in building their Personal Knowledge Management system from scratch. If that is your case, check the PKM for Research mentorship instead.
  • are only interested in the Task and Project Management aspects of PKM.

If you have been through the PKM for Research Mentorship programme or already have an established practice, here are the packages I offer:

Quick Call

Suitable to help you solve a hyper-specific problem or identify quick "next steps" in your journey.

Getting Started

Suitable if you want to get started on a particular PKM skill and get personal support along the way.

Package with 4 coaching calls (20% off) where we will create a roadmap for you, check in on your progress, and work together on any challenges you may be facing in your journey.

Follow-up calls should be booked within 1 month of each other.

I'm Committed

Suitable for those who are committed to changing their practice and want 1-on-1 support in their journey.

Package with 8 coaching calls (33% off) where we will create a roadmap for you, check in on your progress, and work together on any challenges you may be facing in your journey.

Follow-up calls should be booked within 1 month of each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a typical quick call look like?

During the session, we go into detail on:

  • your PKM goals
  • what you like in your PKM
  • what you are struggling with

My approach is always to identify the most suitable PKM mindsets first, then frameworks or methodologies that can work for you, and only then think about how to apply that in your PKM tools.

We wrap up the session by creating a "next steps roadmap" with the actions you may take to improve your PKM.

Do you provide a recording of the session?

All coaching sessions are recorded and I will send you the link in the post-session report.

When do the calls take place?

I work Monday-Friday 7 am - 9 am (Irish Time) and 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm (Irish Time).

All calls should be booked within these times.

Where do the calls take place?

All calls take place via Zoom.

Do you provide email support?

I provide limited email support to quick answers on what has already been discussed within the coaching calls. For instance:

  • A reminder of what was discussed.
  • Clarification on how to follow the designed roadmap.
  • Advice on how to approach some difficulties you may have on the path.

If the answer requires discussion or longer explanations, email support is not the appropriate place and I would ask for a follow-up session instead.

Which PKM tool should I use?

It depends on your use case and personal preferences.

I can guide you in using Obsidian, Scrintal, and Notion. Most of the struggles of my coachees are in the mindset rather than the tools themselves. So, with the right mindset even pen and paper may do wonders for you.

I want to learn how to use Obsidian, Scrintal or Notion. Is the coaching session for me?

The coaching is most suitable for those who want to express, organise and find their ideas through their notes. We can discuss what aspects of your preferred tool may be (or not) most suitable to your goals, but the coaching session is not the place to learn how to use the tools.

If you want to learn how to use the tools I would suggest attending a specific course instead.

For Scrintal, I suggest looking at The Scrintal Course.

For Obsidian, I suggest Nick Milo's Obsidian Flight School.

I am not a professional researcher, would the coaching still work for me?

I have worked with coachees doing PKM for law cases, building educational courses, creating personal journals, and writing books. If your goal is Idea Management or building a body of work based on your notes, we can work together.

I also have knowledge of Project Management and Productivity methodologies (e.g. PMI, GTD, $10k framework) but these wouldn't be my main focus. So, while we can dedicate some time to those, if your goal is pure project management, this coaching service may not be suitable for you.

What if I need to reschedule?

I request that any rescheduling happen at least 48 hours before the call, so it respects your time management and my time.

Recurring "last minute" (i.e. within 48 hours) rescheduling requests may result in the loss of the session.

I can't pay for the coaching now...

Members of the PKM for Research Mentorship Programme get a 50% discount on coaching calls.

I do not provide any other discounts or payment plans for my coaching services. So, if coaching is not possible for you right now, feel free to join my mailing list at biancapereira.com to be informed of upcoming events and courses.

I want this!

1-on-1 coaching sessions to: identify your PKM struggles, talk through some necessary mindset shifts, and plan your PKM roadmap.

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